Friday, January 27, 2012

PUPA makeup set for eyes

I'm finishing off my PUPA collection with this set of mascara, eyeliner, pencil & double pencil sharpener... All the items are in one package. Base + Recolors: 2 RCs for main subset (pencil sharpener: gray, black), 3 RCs for liner subset (black, brown & blue) Polycount: 360  Download This set is once again deco only. Textures are taken from PUPA website. Get full PUPA set & collection file P.S. Get my OMSPs for vanity tables he...
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"Picket" OMSPs for Maxis vanity tables - UPDATE March 3, 2012: policy change

Features: narrow, with pikes for easy object "sticking" or "stabbing" and OMSP picking above surfaces; height precision; two colors to mark the level of object placement. Now the footprint is fixed: it means your sims won't complain any more that an OMSP is in the way when they attempt to use a very cluttered vanity table. I have tested all tables in game with as many OMSPs on them as possible, and now everything works fine. So if you downloaded earlier versions, PLEASE REDOWNLOAD. Sorry for inconvenience. ...
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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cotton pads & Q-tips

With tons of makeup on the vanity table, your Sim needs something to remove it with before going to bed. Here is soft and natural cotton stuff to do the job of cleansing your sim ladies pretty faces... Downlo...
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Nivea Visage Make-up Removal Kit

Well, I'm finally back in the new year of 2012! It's been awhile since I've created anything for the Sims 2. So here is finally some Nivea facial care stuff for your Sim beauties. Of course, it is purely decorative and not functional, just some stuff to fill bald patches on your Sims' vanity tables... Comes in 1 basic recolor. Enjoy. Downlo...
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