Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day greeting cards

Well, Valentine's Day is here, and love is in the air. :)) Even if you're not in love or in a relationship, I'm sure your sims are ))) A greeting card is an attribute of any holiday or a special occasion and a perfect way to express one's feelings for another... Does your Sim have a significant other? Or maybe is in love with someone but too afraid or shy to declare their love? Now your Sim can sign a beautiful Valentine's card and send it to their sweetheart. :) I've created a variety of special Hallmark Valentine Day greeting cards that come in 2 groups:- unpersonalized (without a recipient/giver's name on them)- personalized (with a recipient/giver's name on them that you can change, good...
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Saturday, February 2, 2013

LP posters

As was promised at Spoilers page, I am uploading these Linkin Park posters I made some time ago. So if you're a fan and you need them, download and enjoy! These are all low-poly of course. 01. Individual posters - this is Maxis mesh (I don't really remember which EP it comes from, but it was cloned as a separate mesh). Chester Bennington poster is a mesh, others are recolors: Download 02. Mega-size posters - these are completely new mesh by me, made very big size to act as a stage screen and such (I think it takes up to about 6-7 tiles in length, but it's made as a 1-tile mesh)... Mesh + recolors: Download 03. LP poster - this is once again a Maxis mesh, cloned as separate. 04....
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