Well, Valentine's Day is here, and love is in the air. :)) Even if you're not in love or in a relationship, I'm sure your sims are ))) A greeting card is an attribute of any holiday or a special occasion and a perfect way to express one's feelings for another... Does your Sim have a significant other? Or maybe is in love with someone but too afraid or shy to declare their love? Now your Sim can sign a beautiful Valentine's card and send it to their sweetheart. :)
I've created a variety of special Hallmark Valentine Day greeting cards that come in 2 groups:
- unpersonalized (without a recipient/giver's name on them)
- personalized (with a recipient/giver's name on them that you can change, good for stories and such).
The Valentine cards are categorized into 8 types of relationships:
to boyfriend (3 personalized, 3 unpersonalized), to girlfriend (3p, 3), to fiance (3p, 3), to fiancee (3p, 3), to husband (3p, 3), to wife (3p, 3), to special one (3p, 3), from secret admirer (6p)
The base card package consists of 2 subsets with sample textures for your recoloring pleasure:
1) card subset (card texture)
2) alpha subset (alpha enabled texture for a recipient's name text or blank subset for unpersonalized cards)

Unpersonalized cards
Once again, these cards are general meaning they are simply addressed to a particular type of relationship. These are very simple: in game design mode you just have to combine desired card recolor with blank alpha recolor.
Personalized cards
These cards can be signed to a particular person (with a recipient's name) of certain type of relationship.
You want a Sim girl to give her boyfriend named Kevin a personalized card with his name on it. And vice versa :)

How to create your own personalized card (these instructions are also included in alphatemplates.rar):
1) First off, you have to have a graphics software that supports alpha layers (I'm using Photoshop)
2) Open needed PSD template of your chosen boyfriend type card (that comes in template rar) in your graphics program, or if it doesn't support PSD format, use provided PNG file
3) In your opened PSD template change #name to Kevin (with PNG template it's a bit different, because you have to actually replace the words)
4) Save your personalized file in png (!! only in png, because it supports alphas)
5) Import your PNG texture into the corresponding SimPE package provided in the alphatemplates.rar
6) Save your package and put it into game folder
Happy Valentine's Day!
I've created a variety of special Hallmark Valentine Day greeting cards that come in 2 groups:
- unpersonalized (without a recipient/giver's name on them)
- personalized (with a recipient/giver's name on them that you can change, good for stories and such).
The Valentine cards are categorized into 8 types of relationships:
to boyfriend (3 personalized, 3 unpersonalized), to girlfriend (3p, 3), to fiance (3p, 3), to fiancee (3p, 3), to husband (3p, 3), to wife (3p, 3), to special one (3p, 3), from secret admirer (6p)
[Click on images to enlarge]
The base card package consists of 2 subsets with sample textures for your recoloring pleasure:
1) card subset (card texture)
2) alpha subset (alpha enabled texture for a recipient's name text or blank subset for unpersonalized cards)

Unpersonalized cards
Once again, these cards are general meaning they are simply addressed to a particular type of relationship. These are very simple: in game design mode you just have to combine desired card recolor with blank alpha recolor.
Personalized cards
These cards can be signed to a particular person (with a recipient's name) of certain type of relationship.
You want a Sim girl to give her boyfriend named Kevin a personalized card with his name on it. And vice versa :)

How to create your own personalized card (these instructions are also included in alphatemplates.rar):
1) First off, you have to have a graphics software that supports alpha layers (I'm using Photoshop)
2) Open needed PSD template of your chosen boyfriend type card (that comes in template rar) in your graphics program, or if it doesn't support PSD format, use provided PNG file
3) In your opened PSD template change #name to Kevin (with PNG template it's a bit different, because you have to actually replace the words)
4) Save your personalized file in png (!! only in png, because it supports alphas)
5) Import your PNG texture into the corresponding SimPE package provided in the alphatemplates.rar
6) Save your package and put it into game folder
(for personalized cards)
Total card RCs:
27 personalized
21 unpersonalized
27 personalized
21 unpersonalized
Polycount: 28
Deco item only
Happy Valentine's Day!
these are adorable, thank you