Tuesday, November 1, 2011

PUPA 4 Eyes palette

This quadruple eyeshadow is the continuation of my PUPA deco makeup collection for vanity tables/cosmetic shops. It has a reflective mirror (but no mirror interactions) and comes in 5 eyeshadow recolors. Download...
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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Clutter Placement Tips

  I guess most Sims 2 gamers know how to place clutter randomly on any surface, but in case you are a Sims 2 "dummy" not familiar with the techniques here is some info for you: When in game use cheats: moveObjects on, boolprop snapobjectstogrid false, boolprop allow45degreeangleofrotation (if you wish to enable 45 degree object placement: use < and > keys); Use OMSPs to place the object anywhere in the sim room; Make your OMSPs invisible by clicking on them in design mode or simply download this nifty OMSP controller (this way you can make them visible again in case you need to relocate or remove your OMSPs). More tuts coming up... P.S. Get my OMSPs for vanity...
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Friday, October 28, 2011

6 Makeup Brushes Set

Well, I'm back with more useless, but pretty thingies for your sims' vanity tables. Here's the first makeup accessory: a nifty set of makeup brushes to prettify (well, in fact not really as it's completely deco) your Sim ladies' faces. The brushes subset comes in 3 recolors, the glass is not recolorable... Downlo...
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Thursday, October 27, 2011

HQ Digital Photoframe screen recolor: 16 female celebrities photos

Well, these are pics of female celebrities for my digital photoframe. It includes 16 high-quality pics of closeup shots of beautiful and famous actresses, singers and models for your sim guys viewing pleasure :). These pics are chosen by me from a female standpoint, but I hope they can also appeal to men's taste lol. Anyway... celeb male pics are to follow. Download ...
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PUPA Lasting Color

Here come PUPA nail polishes in 35 new shades (in fact there's much more): Autumn 2011 - Folk Waves collection (fw): 3 shades Nordic Wind collection (nw): 5 shades Winter Garden collection (wg): 5 shades 2011-2012 collection: 22 shades  Download ...
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Sunday, October 23, 2011

HQ Digital Photoframe screen recolors of nature

This is a series of high-quality photo screen RCs for my digital photoframe I shared some time ago at MTS. I'm a big fan of pretty images of nature, so I found these eye-candy, bright and colorful pics. Hopefully your sims will enjoy them too. So, here are 4 recolors for the photoframe screen with 16 photos of fauna & flora in each. See picture of how it works in game (animation speeded up for viewing convenience). You need the mesh for those, so get it here. ...
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Thursday, October 20, 2011

PUPA Lip Perfection Natural Shine

Well, here's Pupa lip gloss I've made as a part of my Pupa deco makeup collection... New addition to your cosmetic shops counters or vanity tables. Check out the 10 delicious lip colors. Download...
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Jug and drinks

This is a nice jug to go with my mugs and drinks... I made it low-poly not to cause lag on your computers, so it won't look perfect if you take a closer look at it. It comes with cold drinks RCs: water, tomato & orange juice, milk, tarragon lemonade and alien drink (nice combo of multicolored liquids). The jug itself comes in 2 recolors: shiny gray (silver) and glass. Downlo...
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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mug-o-mania [part II]: Zodiac mugs & drinks

Here is another set of mugs. This time these are Zodiac mugs for your sims. This project has been inspired by pretty glass mugs I have found on the Internet. So I decided to make them and add drink recolors to them as well. ...
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Mug-o-mania [part I]: mugs & drinks

This mug is the result of my 3D Max lessons, it was created long time ago and is fairly simple. After some time I decided to update it a bit and made it into a fully designable deco object. Downlo...
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PUPA Luminys Baked Eyeshadow

Welcome to my Sims 2 clutter spot!! I just started this blog to share with you some of my Sims 2 creations. Here I will be posting mostly deco objects and accessories. In fact I'm a creator at MTS2, but due to moderating it takes time to upload there. So this blog is the solution and the new area for me to explore in the vast Internet world. :-) It's all new and fresh, and hopefully I will be adding a lot of nice thingies here (unless I get all sick and tired of object creating and turn to something new). :-) Enjoy and don't forget to visit me at MTS2 where you will find more of my stuff! I hope you will find use for my junk lol. Comments are very welcome! Happy simming!  So here...
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