Wednesday, July 24, 2013

No more updates

Announcement to all the fans of my blog: there are not going to be any updates any time soon, because now I have other priorities. I'm raising a little son. He takes all my time, and I have no opportunity to maintain this blog any more. I might continue working in 3D not to lose skill. I just don't know if I'll ever be back in the Sims 2 community or not.  Thank you for understanding!!...
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Saturday, March 16, 2013

100k visitors gift: women's shoes + slippers

Hello, all! I'm back with a new update for you. This is a collection of deco women's shoes as a 100k (or actually 100k pageviews) gift. It includes: - women's high-heel sandals in 3 colors & 2 meshes (MASTER & SLAVE) - women's ballerina shoes (flats) in 3 colors & 2 meshes (MASTER & SLAVE) Real shoes can be found here. + BONUS: women's and men's home slippers (2 separate meshes, no recolors) All of them are deco only. Can be found in Decorative > Sculptures. Base-game compatible. Real size. Meshes & recolors by me. Enjoy! Polycount: 914 polys Polycount: 1546 polys Download (sandals + ballerina shoes) Polycount: 914 polys Download (women's and...
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Friday, March 1, 2013

New furniture blog announcement!

Hello dear Simmers! Lately I've been busy creating a new blog where I have already uploaded a new furniture set. This blog is going to have only quality furniture sets for your Sims 2 game. All furniture items will come in sets, and rar archives for each set will contain meshes, recolors, collection files and maps. Hopefully this site will be updated frequently, but it doesn't mean I'm giving up creating clutter for my Clutter Spot blog... There's just going to be a little fewer clutter uploads (but I'm working on a 100k gift for upload so keep checking for updates)... Anyway, this is the picture of the "Erika" foyer furniture set, and you can get it here [click on image to enlarge] ...
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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day greeting cards

Well, Valentine's Day is here, and love is in the air. :)) Even if you're not in love or in a relationship, I'm sure your sims are ))) A greeting card is an attribute of any holiday or a special occasion and a perfect way to express one's feelings for another... Does your Sim have a significant other? Or maybe is in love with someone but too afraid or shy to declare their love? Now your Sim can sign a beautiful Valentine's card and send it to their sweetheart. :) I've created a variety of special Hallmark Valentine Day greeting cards that come in 2 groups:- unpersonalized (without a recipient/giver's name on them)- personalized (with a recipient/giver's name on them that you can change, good...
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Saturday, February 2, 2013

LP posters

As was promised at Spoilers page, I am uploading these Linkin Park posters I made some time ago. So if you're a fan and you need them, download and enjoy! These are all low-poly of course. 01. Individual posters - this is Maxis mesh (I don't really remember which EP it comes from, but it was cloned as a separate mesh). Chester Bennington poster is a mesh, others are recolors: Download 02. Mega-size posters - these are completely new mesh by me, made very big size to act as a stage screen and such (I think it takes up to about 6-7 tiles in length, but it's made as a 1-tile mesh)... Mesh + recolors: Download 03. LP poster - this is once again a Maxis mesh, cloned as separate. 04....
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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Pocket books collection

I love books... I mean, I'm not a book worm and I don't read much, but I love visiting bookstores and looking at books, paging them through... As for Sims 2 I also enjoy decorating rooms with books, tons of them. Everywhere. Recently I've been working on a bedroom bookcase and I realized I was in need of smaller size (pocket) books to fit on the shelves. That's how this project was born... Set includes: - hardcover pocket books (stacks: MASTER + 5 SLAVE meshes, single book mesh; 3RCs) - paperback pocket books (stacks: MASTER + 4 SLAVE meshes, single book mesh; 2RCs) (English & Russian books) Polycount (for a single object): Hardcover book - 94 Paperback - 12 ATTENTION: LOTS OF PICS...
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Thursday, January 17, 2013

MTS cosmetics individual items and recolors

I've been requested for single, individual items of my popular cosmetics set I shared some time ago at MTS2... So I've separated them, centered them to the axes and slaved them to the original kits meshes. Here they are. I left my L'Oreal kit untouched, as there's really no need for individual items from it (but I did create 2 more recolors for it). If you need individual makeup items (nail polishes, eyeshadows, etc), grab my pupa collection. All meshes are SLAVE, but MASTER meshes are included so there's no need for you to go to MTS2 to grab them. If you already have MTS cosmetics set in your downloads folder, just allow them to overwrite.   Download (MASTER meshes by me included) Download Download...
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